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Maat Pakistani TV Drama by Umera Ahmad on Hum TV Watch Online

Maat is the story of two poor sisters with opposite personalities – Saman, who is overambitious and has no scruples when it comes to making it big in life, and Aiman, who believes in the fundamentals of contentment, sacrifice and compassion and always upholds them as her guiding force.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Moon to color your dreams | Good Night SMS

MOONhas come to coloryour dreams,STARSto make themmusical and mySMSto give you warmand Peaceful Sleep.Good Night...Sweet Dreams...

Time to love or hate | Good Night Text Messages

"I dont have time 2 hate people who hate me..Because,I'm too busy in loving people who love me!"Good Nig...

U hold most loveliet part in my life | Good Night Text Messages

One day i may die without saying good bye to U.But i will never forget to say thank you,Because you hold the most loveliest part in my lifeGood Ni...

One day you will be right | Good Night SMS

Treat each day as your last...one day you will be right. :-)Good Night. ...

Sleep stands for | Good Night SMS

"S.L.E.E.P"S-Say thanks to the god.L-Lying on the bed.E- Eyes closed slowlyE-End of the day.P-Plan for the next day.'G00D NIG...

Night is a theater | Good Night Text Messages

Night Is A TheaterDreamIs AMovie...GodIs TheDirector,NatureIs TheProducerU RThe Hero"Enjoy"The Night With Sweet Dreams......

Time to sleep | Good Night SMS

Now, Birds R Silent.Buterflies R Hanging..Sun Is SleepingMoon Is Watching U, Sshhhhhhhh..Its Time 2 Sleep,Close Ur Eyes..Sweet Dream...

Love who treat u right | Good Morning Text Messages

Life is too short to wake upin the morning with regrets.So love the people who treat you rightandforget about the ones who don’t.Good Morn...

Open ur tinky minky eyes | Good Morning SMS

Open ur tinky minky eyes,stand up and strech ur crunchy prunchy bonzand then wake up yourself, tell your brain to refreshand tell your self 2days is GOOD DAYGood Morn...

Don't expect a perfect love | Good Morning SMS

True Lines-"Don't expect a perfect love from any of your close ones...Just show them what it is..."Good Morning...

Deepest feeling while praying | Good Morning Text Messages

"Deepest" feelings of my heart while praying for you ,May "ALLAH"ConvertUrDiscomfortsToComforts,UrPainsToGains,UrMinimumToMaximum,UrLossesToProfits,UrTearsToSmiles,UrSorrowsToPleasures,UrBad-wishersToWell-wishers,UrDebtsToCredits,&UrGood DreamsToRealities!And make these"Everlasting!(Ameen).Good Morning and have a blessed d...

Its time to wish | Good Morning SMS

The breeze has awakened the earth,The sun gave brightness to the earth,Birds gave melodious music to the earth,Then its the time to wish my sweet friendGood Morn...

Good morning Quote | Good Morning Text Messages

"The minute you think of giving up any relation,think of the reason why you held it so long"Good morning and have a nice d...

Good Morning For Friends | Good Morning SMS

For a nice friend"nice morning"..For a sweet friend"sweet morning"For a loving friend"lovely morning"For a Good friend"good morni...

Fly in the plane of Ambition | Good Luck SMS

Fly in the plane of Ambition&Land in the Airport of Success...Luck is yours,Wish is mine...May Ur future always shine...Good L...

When things go wrong | Good Luck Text Messages

When things go wrong...when sadness fills ur heart...when tears flow in ur eyes...always remember 3 things1---GOD2---ur parents3---my sincere prayers.....GOOD LUCK&God bless...

Trusting God won't make the mountain smaller | Good Luck SMS

Trusting God won't make the mountain smallerbutit will make climbing easier.Hope you will be able to climball your mountains always.Good L...

To accomplish great things | Good Luck Text Messages

To accomplish great things,We must not only act,But also dream,Not only plan but also believe,Best wishes for your ex...

Har kamyabi pay aap ka naam hoga | Good Luck Text Messages

Har kamyabi pay aap ka naam hoga,Apke har qadam pay duniya ka salam hoga,Mushkilon ka samna himmat sey karna,Dua hai ek din waqt bhi apka ghulam hoga..Good Luck & All the b...

Khuda tujhe urooj aisa naseeb kare | Good Luck Text Messages

Khuda tujhe urooj aisa naseeb kare,kay rashk tere naseeb per falak kare,har more per frishtay hon sath tere,har ghum per hifazat tairi khuda kare...best wishes forever & good l...

There is no perfect life | Good Luck SMS

Life never seems to bethe way we want it,but we live it in thebest way we can.There is no perfect life but wecan fill it with perfect momen...

Gungunatay Hue Anchal Ki Hawa Deh | Ghazal SMS

Gungunatay Hue Anchal Ki Hawa Deh Mujh KoUngliyaan phair Ke BAloon Main Sulla Deh Mujh KoJis Tarah Faltu Guldaan Paray Rehtay HainApne Ghar Ke Kisi Konay Se Lagga Deh Mujh KoYaad Kar Ke Mujhe Takleef He Hoti HogiiAik Kissa Hoon Purana Sa Bhulla Deh Mujh KoDoobtay Doobtay Awaaz Teri Sunn JaoonAkhiri Baar Tu Sahil Se Sadah Deh Mujh KoMain Tere Hijr Main Chup Chaap Na Marr Jaoon KahinMain Hoon Saktay Main Kabhii Aa Ke Rulla Deh Mujh KoDekh Main Hogaya Badnaam Kitaboon Ki TarahMerii Tasheer Na Kar Ab Tu Jalla Deh Mujh KoRhootna Tera Meri Jaan Liye...

Baarisho'n k mausam main | Ghazal Text Messages

Yaadai'n jaag jati hynBarisho'n k mausam mainHar ghari satati hynBarisho'n k mausam mainShaambhi kisi suratChain se nahi kat'tiSubhai'n bhi satati hynBarisho'n k mausam mainZehen k jharokey mainJab koi sada ubhreyAankhai'n bheeg jati hynBaarisho'n k mausam m...


KOI TO HOTA....mai jis k dil ki kitaab bentamai jis ki chahet ka khawab bentamai hijr k mosem ki lembi raaton meinyaad ben ker azaab bentaKOI TO HOTA.....jo meri khawahish mein uthh ker raaton ko khoob rotadukhon ki chader lapeit ker hajoom_e_dunya se door hotamai rooth jata manata mujh kok chahe mera kasoor hotaKOI TO HOTA....mai jis k itna kareeb hotana paas koi rakeeb hotamai itna uus ka habeeb hotaye silsila bhi ajeeb hotaKOI TO HOTA........

Mein ne to bohat chaha magar wo mila he nahi | Ghazal Text Messages

"Mein ne to bohat chaha magar wo mila he nahi ...Laakh koshish ki magar fasla mita he nahi...Us ko majboor zamane ne is kadar kar diya k...Meri kisi saada par woh thehra he nahi...khuda se jholi pehla kay manga tha usay ...Khuda ne meri kisi dua ko sunna he nahi...Har aik se pucha sabab us kay na milne ka ...Har eik ne kaha woh tere liye bana hi nahi.....

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