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Maat Pakistani TV Drama by Umera Ahmad on Hum TV Watch Online

Maat is the story of two poor sisters with opposite personalities – Saman, who is overambitious and has no scruples when it comes to making it big in life, and Aiman, who believes in the fundamentals of contentment, sacrifice and compassion and always upholds them as her guiding force.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Come here, take off your pents and knickers | Adult SMS

Come here,take off your pents and knickers,get on top of me,enjoy until u get satisfied,loving yours.....toil...

Last nite i went 2 bed without u | Adult Text Messages

Lastnite i went 2 bed without u..cold,naked,thinking of u,missing ur warmth,ur soft touch against my skin.Where were u "lastni...

A girl phoned me | Adult Text Messages

A girl phoned methe other day and said ..."Come on over, there's nobody home."I went over. Nobody was h...

Sardar on phone | Adult SMS

Sardar on phone:Doctor my wife is pergnant.She is having pain right now.Doctor: Is this her first child?Sardar: No this is her husband speakin...

Lady wanted 2 go 2 toilet | Adult SMS

In a party a lady wantedto go to toilet soshe inquired with a sardarpapaji susu karne ki jagah dikhao,sardarji replied u naughtypehle tum dikh...

Sardar sent SMS to his BOSS | Adult Text Messages

Sardar sent SMS to his BOSS:"Me sick, no work"Boss SMS back:"When I am sick I kiss my wife try it"2 hours later sardar sms 2 boss:"Me ok, ur wife very swe...

What is the perfect example | Adult SMS

What is the perfect exampleof both Good & Bad Luck?The naughty wind blows the girl's skirt high (Good luck)but at the same timeDust falls into the boy's eyes (Bad lu...

Dont believe too much in love | Love Text Messages


To love and be loved | Love SMS

There is only onehappiness in life,to loveand be loved.GEORGE S...

Love, war and life | Love SMS

Love is a war.This war will endwhen life will ...

My hearts feelings | Love Text Messages

My Heart Misses A BeatWatching You SleepOur Corny SlippersMonogrammed His And HerBy The Bed Blue For MePink For ...

Every body loves you | Love Text Messages

Every body loves youwhen you love every body.No one love youif you do not love any o...

Simple truth of present | Love Text Messages

Simple truth of present:if u dont want to know whats pain,don't love anyone truely.If someone loves you truly,never show them whats pa...

Like / Love and in love | Love SMS

The Difference Between"Like","Love"N"In Love"Are The Same DifferenceBetween"For Now","For A While"N"Forever....

Love someone because | Love SMS

Love Someone ...Not Because They GiveYou What You Need ... !!!ButBecause They Give You FeelingsYou Never Thought You Need...

Pleasure to a single heart | Valentine SMS

To Give Pleasure ToA Single Heart By ASingle Act Is BetterThan A ThousandHeads Bowing In Pra...

What I need to live | valentine Text Messages

What i need to livehas been given to meby the earth..Why i need to livehas been given to meby you my valentine !!!Happy Valentines ...

My heart is given to you | Valentine SMS

My Heart To You Is Given,Oh Dear, Do Give Yours To Me,We'll Lock Them Up TogetherAnd Throw Away The Key...

No poems no fancy words | Valentine SMS

No poems no fancy wordsI just want the world to knowthat I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.Happy Valentines D...

Don't wait until it's too late | Velantine Text Messages

Don't wait until it's too lateto tell someone how much you love,how much you care.Because when they're gone,no matter how loud you shout and cry,they won't hear you anymore.Happy Valentine's ...

2 Weeks of valentine | Valentine Text Messages

Do you know that beside valentine day,the whole week (infact 2 weeks) is dedicated for various purpose,have a look at the list below:-7 Feb Rose Day8 Feb Propose Day9 Feb Chocolate Day10 Feb Teddy Day11 Feb Promise Day12 Feb Kiss Day13 Feb Hug Day14 Feb VALENTINES DAY15 Feb Slap Day16 Feb Kick Day17 Feb Perfume Day18 Feb Flirting Day19 Feb Confession Day20 Feb Missing Day21 Feb Break...

Cupid never grow up / throws arrows | Valentine SMS

Why Does 'CUPID' Never Grow Up . . .?BecauseIt Symbolizes That Love Never Gets Old.AndWhy Does He Throws Arrows To The Heart?To Remind Us That True Love Hurts ......

Ramadan Calendar 2011 / Sehr-o-Iftar TimeTable 2011 | Ramadan Text Messages

Sehr-o-Iftar Timing / Ramadan Calendar 2011 / Ramadan TimeTable 2011Insh'Allah Ta'la 1st Roza in Ramadan 2011 will Start from 2 August 2011R Sehr - Iftaar1 4:36 - 19:172 4:37 - 19:173 4:37 - 19:164 4:38 - 19:155 4:39 - 19:156 4:39 - 19:147 4:40 - 19:138 4:41 - 19:129 4:41 - 19:1210 4:42 - 19:1111 4:43 - 19:1012 4:43 - 19:0913 4:44 - 19:0914 4:45 - 19:0815 4:45 - 19:0716 4:46 - 19:0617 4:46 - 19:0518 4:47 - 19:0419 4:48 - 19:0420 4:48 - 19:0321 4:49 - 19:0222 4:49 - 19:0123 4:50 - 19:0024 4:51 - 18:5925 4:51 - 18:5826 4:52 - 18:5727 4:52 - 18:5628...

1st holy fast begins | Ramadan SMS

As the Fajar azan beginsAnd the 1st holy fast beginsMay Allah bless you with happinessand grace your home with warmth & pea...

The holy month of Ramadan | Ramadan Text Messages

The holy month of Ramadan,For all Muslims has begun.Praising Allah through the day,From dawn to dusk we fast and pray.We pay zakah (charity) for those in need,Trying hard to do good deeds.Wishing you wonderful Ramad...

My Best wishes for u on Ramadan | Ramdan Text Messages

May the festival of lights be the harbingerof joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion ofRamadan is here and the atmosphere isfilled with the spirit of mirth and love,here is hoping this festival of beauty bringsyour way, bright sparkles of contentment,that stay with you through the days ahead.My Best wishes for u on Ramadan...

Wish u a very happy Ramadan Mubarak | Ramadan SMS

May This Ramadan be as bright as ever.May this Ramadan bring joy, health and wealth to you.May the festival of lights brighten up youand your near and dear ones lives.May this Ramadan bring in u the mostbrightest and choicest happiness andlove you have ever Wished for.May this Ramadan bring you theutmost in peace and prosperity.May lights triumph over darkness.May peace transcend the earth.May the spirit of light illuminate the world.May the light that we celebrate at Ramadanshow us the way and lead us together on thepath of peace and social harmonyWish...

Wishing u 1 month of ramadan | Ramadan Text Messages

Wishing u 1 month of ramadan,4 weeks of barkat,30 days of forgiveness,720 hours of guidance,43200 minutes of purification,2592000 secs of Nuur....

Happiness be at your door .. EID mubarak | Ramadan SMS

Today i pray that:-Happiness be at ur doorMay it knock earlyStay late & leave the gift of Allah'sPeace,love,joy & good health behindshaban mubarak,eid mubarak,ramadan mubarak,May you remain happy all the timeIrrespective of any occas...

Take your words | Islamic Text Messages

Take your words into accountas part of your actions,and do not say anythingunless it is good.Imam Ali ...

Do not betray anyone | Islamic SMS

Do not betray anyonewho places his trust in you ...even if he betrays you.Imam Ali ...

To b in love with Allah | Islamic SMS

What a nice feelingToBIn LoveWithAlLahNo PainNo DisapointmentNo worries.JustBlessings BlessingsANDBlessing...

Deepest feeling while praying | Islamic Text Messages

"Deepest" feelings of my heart while praying for you ,May "ALLAH"ConvertUrDiscomfortsToComforts,UrPainsToGains,UrMinimumToMaximum,UrLossesToProfits,UrTearsToSmiles,UrSorrowsToPleasures,UrBad-wishersToWell-wishers,UrDebtsToCredits,&UrGood DreamsToRealities!And make these"Everlasting!(Ameen).Good Morning and have a blessed d...

When God gives us 'NO' | Islamic SMS

When God gives us 'NO'for an answer Keep in mindthat there is a much greater 'YES' behind it.His 'NO' is not a 'REJECTION', But a 'REDIRECTION' ...

Pray to Allah Almighty | Islamic Text Messages

Pray to Allah Almighty,And show some faith n dignity,Quran be at your side,Islam giving you a pride,Sunnah be a light for you,That will glow and let you do,All the acts to make you feel,Nothing but this land is re...

Allah Says | Islamic SMS | Islamic Text Messages

Allah Says:-Try to Walk on My Way,Ill Make all the Ways Easy for you.Try to Spend your Wealth in My Way,I ll Open Oceans of Treasure for you.Try to Leave your Wills for Me,I ll Make your Desired Destiny for you.Try to Bear Pain on My Way,I ll Open the Doors of My Care for you.Try to Believe in Me,I ll Make Sincere Friends for you.Try to Be Mine,I ll Make Everyone for you...

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